For many years, a secret agent of W.I.S.E. (World Intelligence Secret Elite), known by the pseudonym Chameleon, infiltrated the Spider Technologies syndicate. Its leader (a former MI6 agent) came into possession of a dangerous secret weapon: a mutated "Chimera" virus. Secret Agent Chameleon was faced with this "impossible to carry out" task of stealing this extremely dangerous biological substance from the hands of ruthless terrorists. Thanks to his extraordinary abilities, he managed to obtain a sample of the virus. But that's not the end of the mission. His next task was to discover where the – ANTIDOTE – is located and what it is. However, we don't know if he had time to develop the antivirus as we lost contact with him and he disappeared without a trace... The last time cameras recorded him was when he entered the Art Gallery in Krakow at Kościuszki 74. That's where the search should begin... The life of millions of people is now in your hands, and the only man who may know the recipe to combat the extremely dangerous virus has vanished. Find him before ruthless mercenaries from Spider Tech start tracking you down!
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