Ferocious, armed to the teeth, and uncompromising, the pirates have ceaselessly plundered all goods they found on merchant ships. They attacked traders and snatched the most valuable items from their hands, and stole gold and diamonds from their pockets. These bandits knew no word for "mercy" and while they could, they looted the most important routes. However, time passed and the terrible pirates began to feel the passage of time more and more. It turns out that they were not the only ones who were ruthless. Recognizing this, the pirates decided to bury their treasure, believing that after their death all the goods would go with them to the afterlife. But were the hopes of our heroes vain? The legend says that the treasure still rests where it was left. Are you ready to risk the wrath of their dead owners and take the fortune? If you believe the words written in the books, the stakes are high. So much so that there have already been a few daredevils who have set themselves the goal of usurping the unclaimed treasure, but they have disappeared without a trace... This expedition is certainly not strewn with roses, and a series of challenges awaits every adventurer. However, if you have something of a thrill seeker in you, this challenge will definitely let you savor the thrilling thrill and a large dose of motivating adrenaline. Prove that you are worthy of facing the {Chests of the Dead}!
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